Standard Member $0.010 per click (0.015 extended view) $0.005 per referral click (extended view)
Golden Member($68 fee) $0.010 per click (0.020 extended view) $0.010 per referral click (0.015 ex view)
Referrals are people who work for you. Ex= You work for me. When you click ads not you will only get $0.010, i will also get $0.005. This comes in handy if you want more money.
Your task is to look at ads for 30 sec and you'll earn $0.010 per advert viewed.
Extended view ads are different ads which you have to view for a minute and you get extra money.
If you are using this for the first time then you can request your payment at $2 only if your requesting for the first time. Then $3 for the second and goes on till $10. This is very useful
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